
Showing posts from February, 2004
Well it's super late right now - so I guess it's already Monday technically...time is really flying...I wish it would just slow down a bit for once! Sunday I went to college group. We went to Caribou and talked about the Passion. One of the cashiers saw the pamphlet my mom was carrying on the Passion and asked about it. Ironically that pamphlet was meant to be given away to people like that. So that was nice timing Lord! Um after church I went home to do some homework and try to organize things a bit. Then I went to CSF for a Romania meeting. The meeting went well - although I still have lots more questions. I decided that tonight I was gonna work on homework and not go to Candlelight. I can't believe I made that decision but it was the right one to make. Karl, Jake, Brian, Andrea, Jenni, Rachel, Ali, Maggie, and Emily were on tonight and it was comforting to know that I was being prayed for by many friends. Speaking of friends - please keep one of my close friends in your ...
CONCERTS are so much fun!!!! I went to school, brought Al home, went to work, then... I went to the QUEST to see Ace Troubleshooter, Amberlin, and a bunch of other bands. I wanted to go see Stentorian across the street but the gal at the door was being a butt...oh well - I think she needs Jesus so pray for her! The concerts were awesome! I met Jenni and Andrea there. Traffic was horrible. But I also saw BEKA!!!!!!! That was sweet but too bad we didn't chill afterwards....oh well.   Well I'm off to sleep 'cause I work tomorrow! God bless, Micah (6:8)
Well since it's past midnight I guess my entry will come up as FRIDAY instead of THURSDAY!!!!!! not that big a deal though :) lol "Thursday" went well. I went to Hebrew, went to calc, took a midterm in Geography (20 multiple choice and 2 short essays), then went to work for a while. I stayed later than planned because I was in charge of a line that I had to finish before I could leave. But it was good. After work I went to my CSF meeting guessed it...the CSF center! went well. After that some of us stayed and watched part of Leno's thing on the Passion and his interview with Mel G. Some was funny - other bits seemed a little mocking from Leno - but that's life. Alrighty well that was most boring entry ever created by make things more exciting - Stentorian is playing at Club 3 Degrees Friday night - and I'll be at Ace Troubleshooter before that at the Quest!   Goodnight and God bless, Micah (6:8)
KTIS yesterday I heard a question that got me thinking. I can't remember it exactly (they said it so well though) but it was something to the point like... "Is all art good and glorifying and pleasing to God?" Actually I think is was more like "Can all (or any) art surpass morality?" That was more like the actual question...Can art surpass human morality? In my mind - I got a few border line ideas. Like ok - not condemning anything here but - is it "ok" to draw naked people for an art class, even though our nakedness should not really be revealed to anyone outside of our spouse (if we have one)? I mean we sinned in the beginning and God covered us for a reason. So if I was in an art class (I don't do art but still...the question remains...) and I had to draw pictures of people posing naked in front of me - is that "ok" because it's "just art" or does morality still surpass this artistic idea. And what does the Bible say abou...
I didn't really talk to Amber today (CSF Amber now - not the IA Amber). I dunno what's up with her...I still can't quite read or figure her out. Maybe most girls are like that and I've just been "lucky" up 'till now-lol. Anyway I need to keep her in my prayers. I think right now I just need to focus more on God and give Him more attention. I also need to balance my time out more wisely. I work a lot and go to school a lot - but I think my body needs a break sometimes as well... :) The funny thing is - only I (Micah) and my buddy Beka can read these comments that are "protected" - now how cool is that?! lol
The Passion of Christ was amazing. Well let's start at the beginning. I missed Hebrew today for the 1st unexcused time (yep - alarm clock didn't work/didn't go off...). I just made it to Geography on time which is good because I have a final on Thursday (technically today I guess). I need prayer for that test if you're reading this - hey even if you're reading this after I take the test Thursday morning - pray anyway! There is no time with God and He'll still hear your prayers!! (was that deep or what?!) Um work was pretty good. I had Duffy's pizza for lunch on campus. Good stuff....after waiting a lifetime of 20 min. for it (hey it was a 12 inch)! After work I went over to CSF and helped set up. It went well tonight. We focused more about Christ and what He did for us on the cross. Gray and Green group combined tonight after the message (i'm gray so u all know), and I got to talk a little bit about Christ's sufferings - and I did a little "magi...
1st and foremost... My friend Brian gave his life to Christ not too long ago!! How amazing is that?! Just keep him in your prayers now that he will continue to follow God and grow closer with his relationship with Him! :) School went well today. I picked up Al and dropped him off at his dorm this morning. Hebrew went well. I got a 100 on my quiz!!! Calc was ok. We just did some group work and stuff. Geography was fun :)  I talked to a couple friends there for a while which was fun. Work was long. I worked 'till after 10pm. Ray - my co-worker (primative baptist) and I had a long discussion about everything. We always do. Our big difference is that he believes that Jesus died for a select amount of people - and they don't have to do anything to get to heaven. It's just automatic. The rest of us are screwed. The sad thing is that he doesn't see that Jesus died for everyone! The Bible plainly spells it out all the way throughout the whole thing!! I talked to my friend Ali ...
CSF RETREAT!!!!!!!! It was SOOOOOOOO amazing! ok - this entry is gonna be LONG 'cause I gotta catch up on things - lol Ok - Friday was a hectic day but I got through it! I went to work after school, then picked up Stina and brought her to the retreat. We were a little late (because of work) but we were warmly greeted! We had dinner quick (the food was amazing ) and the sang some songs, followed by an introduction to the retreat by Brad. I think afterwards we just chilled and stuff. We played games, hung out, etc....I stayed up super late talking to Amber and Angie and whoever else wanted to talk. We were up 'till 3:30am I think. I hooked up my keyboard that night too that I brought. That was super fun!! Saturday was the big day! I only got a few hours of sleep but that's life. I quickly took a shower and then went to breakfast. I was a little late (with Torrey and Page) but it was alright. French toast!! yeah :) We sang a bunch of songs then Lisa Nyguard talked about Deep C...
Today was pretty busy but... TOMORROW WILL BE WORSE!!!!!!!!! School was good. Hebrew went well and the Calculus review was ok. I'm so nervous for my test tomorrow. I ran into Andrea on the way to Calc today! That was so very super cool!! Geography was also ok - nothing super exciting. I went to work...smelled drugs lurking around....oh well... Then I went to CSF for my leader's meeting. I got there early so I got to pray w/ the team going to OK for spring break (that I was gonna go on). Then I did some homework and stuff. After the meeting I headed straight home because I have TONS going on tomorrow. I have a calc test at 8am, Hebrew papers due the next class, a geography paper due the next class, then I'm picking up my keyboard from Spring Lake Park Baptist, then work, then go to CSF to pick up Stina, then go to the CSF retreat this weekend!! How crazy!! I sure hope I do well on the calc midterm. I think I'm stressing on that more than anything else. Prayers would help...
My day was pretty exciting for the most part. School was alright. I wasn't really prepared for Hebrew but oh well. Geography was cool. We watched a very interesting video on Israel vs. Palestine - and a lot of it was in Hebrew w/ English subtitiles! I was so excited that I understood like...every 10th word :) Work was alright. I get bored sometimes but's money! CSF was the best though. I saw a lot of my friends. Al came for the 1st time too! Thanks man. I also got to talk a bit w/ Angie, Amber ;), Caitlin, Jennie Andrea, Rachel, Mary...the list goes on!! So that was awesome. Community group was ok I guess. I'm looking forward to this weekend though for the retreat :) Well off to homework...lots of it!   oh - and God is cool! Very cool that is :P Micah (6:8)
What a busy day! I got to school...Hebrew was fine - we played Simon Says (very fun when you don't know the words lol)!! Geography and Calc were ok I guess. I have a big midterm on Friday in Calc. so please keep me in your prayers... Work was ok too. I worked almost 9 hours and it's like midnight as I'm writing this posting. I worked a lot - but this one lady just really got on my nerves. The cool thing is though a couple of the temps (Ray and "the boss" Jon) kept complimenting me (for what reasons I can't remember...) but hey it's nice to know that someone's always watching (God's there too obviously)! Andrea had to go to Urgent Care tonight because she suffered a minor concussion from snowboarding. Jenni her roomie (both CSFers) took her there and had to wait 4 hours. How pathetic is that?! Well Andrea will be ok but please keep her in your prayers as well! Now off to my huge load of homework I have yet to scratch!  Oh - Pillar is on the 26th of ...
Tough decision today. Cruise w/ Al or missions trip to Oklahoma to visit Voice of the Martyrs with my friends from CSF? I had to make that decision tonight. While much debate and headache went into the process I decided to chill w/ Al over the break. And I think I made the right choice - though I will certainly miss my friends going to OK. Anyway that's half my night in a nutshell. Hebrew was ok - she'll drop this quiz grade i'm sure (it wasn't the best I don't think). Work was awesome (if u can call work awesome). I was sorting books w/ the new temps (very boring) when Evelyn (overseer on the floor) came up to me and asked me if I wanted to help her with another project - which required sitting , talking , and listening to Spanish music while working! How cool is that?! So my day went by pretty fast!! Oh before I leave - I have finally decided that my favorite candy is Snickers Crunch! yep that's right! It's the best! :P The Pillar concert coming up will be...
Caitlin - too flirtatious? I think so...just need to keep her in my prayers.. Also - my standards are really weeding out a lot of people - now Amber's off my list...i'm depressed - but that just means that God has someone really special for me! :)  ok I'm not that depressed - heck - i'm not depressed at all lol! It's just interesting to see how "well" this standards list works lol!!
Church was good today! Actually I just went to college group today but that went well. We went to Caribou for that!! We talked and wrote notes to the other college students from MC that haven't been to MC for a while. That was pretty cool. After church I hung out at home for a little while, playing a new game w/ Al! I will be the master soon ;) Tonight I went to CSF. The message was amazing. Brad did a great job tonight. God really spoke to me and to others there as well. Communion also went well. I enjoy doing that w/ my fellow friends and believers in Christ every Sunday night. The Bible says to do it as often as you meet - so I like the way they do that. It's a great way to start out the week as well. After CSF I gave Ali a ride back to her dorm, called Jenni to see how she was doing, and couldn't get a hold of Andrea (I hope all is good w/ her...I owe her a hang out day...). Well I'm off to do homework. Pray for my Hebrew quiz tomorrow (the 1st one i'm actually ...
AnOtHeR gDoD dAy! Well I didn't get to sleep in but.... I went to Karin's all-state choir concert at Orchestra Hall this morning. I picked Amy up on the way there. Karin was awesome! All 3 choirs were good! It was a good selection of music overall. After the concert I booked over to work where I spent most of my was a lot of work...but I guess it's money... Well the day ran later than what I was planning and I didn't get to chill out w/ Andrea tonight...that stunk. But I went to Al's house for a quick bite (steak and crab legs) which his mom whipped up (way to go Mrs. J), then we header over to Karl's to chill w/ him, Jake V, Jon Brown, and Ben Struthers. That was fun!!! Now here I am just chilling and thinkin' about bed.... Happy Vday everyone (as pathetic as it is)... God bless, Micah (6:8)
You know - I don't remember the last time I shed a few tears - but I just saw an old 4 minute trailer of "The Passion of Christ" and that sure did it. I encourage whoever wants to  - to  check it out as well... click on one of the bottom 2 links. Those are the 4 minute trailors. It's a little bit graphic as well.... Well I just thought I would mention all that since...well...this is a journal and...yeah... God bless, Micah (6:8)
Can life get any better? Probably - but i'm content the way it is! God is...simply put....amazing! :P Anyway school was pretty good today. I love my Hebrew class. Geography was also pretty sweet. We're going to be talking about the Israel/Palestine conflict soon. I'm excited for that!! Work went well. Nothing too special. Please keep my friend Ashley (not Ash Squires) in your prayers. I can't say much else but God knows. I hope she comes to my church on Sunday. That would be cool. This evening I was supposed to see a movie w/ my friend Katie but my cell died while I was talking to my dad about the whole thing...I didn't remember her entire phone number (it's on my cell) so I went home, plugged it in...and by that time it was already getting late. So I went w/ my family to Culvers. That was pretty fun!! Then I went home, emailed some people back, etc...talked to a few people online - then drove around for a bit - sorta randomly. I was going to Al's house but ...
YEAH ok ok Karl.... My best friend Karl (yeah I know - God is #1....) but anyway - he wears shorts like all the time - and he goes to UMD (Duluth). So he's crazier than I am! Just check out the comment he left me on the previous journal entry (and say hi to him too). :)   Anyway Karl thanks for the comment. You rock man. Thursday was another good day. Nothing special at school...or at work...well I talked to some Mormons for about an hour today (secretly keeping them from "attacking" their victims...hehe!  Well - they are persuasive that's for sure. But I left with their jaws open in I got my jacket back today...I had a Student Leader meeting at CSF tonight (9:30pm) which went well. So yeah...good day overall I guess.. I went to Karl's Cub at like 12:30am for some stuff too - missed ya Karl. Well I guess this journal is "All About Karl" day isn't it?! lol Oh if anyone wants to go w/ me to the Adoration Concert/iWorship coming next mont...
Another GRRRRRRRREEEAT Day! Today was around 20 degrees (above 0) so I walked around campus in a t-shirt for a while (w/ a sweatshirt w/ me)! That was great! In Hebrew today we split and half and did an acting thing (4 of us did it then the other 4 did the same "skit"). It turns out ironically that it was "Jews" against "Gentiles" lol :P It was weird how we teamed up like that lol..just funny I think...'cause I didn't realize it 'till our skit was over. Work was good - nothing too exciting except I have cool bosses. Please pray for my co-workers though that they find God.... CSF was sweet! I got there really early and read some small group leader books and just hung out. Community group went well. My group went back to the CSF center, had communion (the theme for the next few weeks is about Christ on the Cross), Stina read about the crucifixion, we watched the trailor for the movie Passion, and we did a couple other neat activities. Then we hea...
Ok today was sorta funny! I don't know why but I guess I easily amuse myself!! lol  For instance, walking to classes I would just start daydreaming I guess and think of all the memories I had as a child - and sometimes almost laugh to myself...I guess u would have to be there - but it was funny smiling all day like that. I worked almost 9 hours I have tons of homework to do and some Pillar stuff to take care of. It's also Beka's Bday today so Happy bday again Beka! My church sent me a "care package" yesterday...with tons of food! I guess I'm loved!!! Thanks Meadow Creek! Well that's all for now. God bless, Micah (6:8)
GUESS WHAT?! It's BEKA's BDAY TODAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEKA!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a SUPER day and I'm sorry I can't be there in WI to give u a BIG HUG but....I'll give u one when I see you next (hopefully soon)! Always, Micah (6:8)
STEPHANIE is ENGAGED!!! wow that guy is lucky... I'm prayin' for ya Steph! Micah (6:8)
SCHOOL wasn't too bad today! I had a quiz in Hebrew this morning. It was on 48 new vocabulary words. Well I memorized all the words and the English definitions on my way to school this morning (thanks God for the great memory) and I got 100% on it!! yeah! Afterwards I went to work and worked for like 6.5 hours. It was sorta tiring but not too bad. Hey it builds muscle :) Sadly, my grandma won't be able to work for at least a week because of the lack of work in her least I'll still have my aunt there :) After work I went to my frat for a meeting...we had a LONG convo about something...but the vote was in my favor so I'm happy. After my frat I went to my grandpa's house on my way home to help him w/ a computer problem. I fixed that, then we had poweraid and half burt popcorn! Now I'm chillin' at home w/ some homework to do! But oh well! That's life!!!!   God bless, Micah (6:8)
My WEEKEND was AWESOME! Ok - Friday night - I went tubing w/ my community group from CSF and some other people from CSF as well (it was open to anyone). We brought tubes to the park in Columbia Heights. It was sweet!! Let's see who went...Jonathan, Michael, Jenni, Andrea, Rachel, me, Stina, Caitlin from Texas (new girl at CSF), Candice, John, and I think that's it. If I forgot someone i'll feel horrible :P  Candice was being extra funny that night...too much sugar Candice?! lol!!!  After tubing we went to Andrea and Jenni's appartment and hung out there, playing games and having fun. It was a blast! I think I had a little too much fun :P Saturday night was awesome too! Jenni, Andrea, Caitlin, Rachel, and I went to see Miracle at Block E. That was fun! That's a great movie. Everyone should see it! Sunday was also very cool. I went to church, then hung out at home, went to Baker Square w/ my family, celebrated my bro's bday (Jake), put gas in my dad's car and ...
There's so much to write about tonight... but I have little time! The drive to school was pretty good. I brought Al to school as well (he went home I guess yesterday) that worked out. I didn't do so well in Calc but everything else was good. I ate lunch at Big Ten Later I went to work. I had a very interesting conversation with a "primitive baptist." If anyone has any background info on that let me know!! After work I went to CSF ( ) for an informal meeting on going to OK over spring break for a missions trip. We will be visiting Voice of the Martyrs and helping them out w/ some stuff. I can't wait! After the meeting I helped Dave with a mailing that is going out soon. After that we had our Student Leader meeting (9:30pm). That was good too :P Well I'm off to do homework. Pray for all my friends that are all in diff. situations and have different needs (how general is that?)!!!  Anyway God know!! In Him, Micah
No snow! How cool is that?! Well it's cool when it's not on the roads...slowing traffic down horrifically!! So yeah I actually got to school at a reasonable time today. Everyday God just seems to make Himself made known to me more and more! It's just so cool I can't even explain it online. :P Hebrew was pretty good today. It's getting harder w/ more verbs to learn, etc. But I love it and my teacher is awesome! It's nice having 7 people in the class. My Geography discussion was also good. I made a few good friends there. My friend Dan is from Brooklyn Park (where I work) and we're gonna hang out sometime soon at his place, go to the 50's grill (where Marni works), hang out, do homework, etc. That'll be cool. I also made a friend named Molly in that class. She's pretty cool as well. We were in small groups today talking about stuff (that I'm not gonna remember in like a year) Work was also good. It was short. I get paid on Friday!! Gas hi...
nothing big today (Tuesday not Wed) - school then worked 11 hours (it was actually fun)...then chatted for eternity online w/ friends!!! yeah!   God bless!!!!!!!
u know - it would be nice if I could make a prayer request page on here somewhere...'cause there are lots of things to pray about!! anyway - just a thought that I gotta think of more tomorrow when i'm awake! Goodnight! ps. I think Amber needs a hug...:P
SNOW... Was very prevalent this morning. So much so that I got to school late! But no worries! My teachers are awesome! I still took my Hebrew quiz (pretty fun) then shoveled my fraternity's sidewalk and parking lot (go me), then went to work!! Work was good. The roads were bad but oh well. God kept me safe. After work I went back to my frat for the weekly meeting then headed home for a Pillar chat online! That was so fun!!! Right now I'm chattin' w/ some friends and havin' a good time. Chris and I have some good ideas for promoting Pillar and stuff.... OK...someone explain to me "measure of a man" by Clay Atkin..I mean Aiken (I seriously mess that up a lot). I'm no fan but I was just curious!! I'm confused. I need to be..."enlightened" Well that's all for now. Sorry so short. oh! I love Jesus! and so you can feel better about yourself...hi Jenni! lol!!!  Stay tuned for Micah's annual (starting next time) "deep theological questi...
CHURCH.... I missed sad huh? Well I was super tired and I decided that since my body is God's temple I should treat it as such and give it the much deserved rest. Also - church shouldn't be about "having to go" every week - although it's healthy to go every week for a Christian. But I still spend time with God even if I don't go on days like this :P I went to Sammies (Sigma Alpha Mu) for a while. I got there around 1pm I think. I hung out there, watched part of the Super Bowl...the 1st was so boring. I heard that there was a streaker that showed up on field... so yeah - a few girls from AXO showed up. That was cool. I left around 6:00 though to go to CSF for Candlelight Worship. That was amazing. I'm glad I went!! The music was awesome, the message was great, God is just so cool! :)  A lot of my friends were there too! Like Rachel, Andrea, Jenni, Stina, Jon, Mike, Michael, (gr...