It was SOOOOOOOO amazing! ok - this entry is gonna be LONG 'cause I gotta catch up on things - lol

Ok - Friday was a hectic day but I got through it! I went to work after school, then picked up Stina and brought her to the retreat. We were a little late (because of work) but we were warmly greeted! We had dinner quick (the food was amazing) and the sang some songs, followed by an introduction to the retreat by Brad. I think afterwards we just chilled and stuff. We played games, hung out, etc....I stayed up super late talking to Amber and Angie and whoever else wanted to talk. We were up 'till 3:30am I think. I hooked up my keyboard that night too that I brought. That was super fun!!

Saturday was the big day! I only got a few hours of sleep but that's life. I quickly took a shower and then went to breakfast. I was a little late (with Torrey and Page) but it was alright. French toast!! yeah :)

We sang a bunch of songs then Lisa Nyguard talked about Deep Change in the Heart. That went very well. I was a bit sleepy but I took some good notes. After that we had the whole afternoon to ourselves!! I played broomball with a bunch of friends on the lake. There was a TON of snow on it but we played over it (big work out) and it eventually packed down enough to play a little better. The team I was on won (obviously - lol)! Then we threw snowballs at each other for a while. After that we headed back to the lodge to play more games  -  and I got to meet some more people and talk about lots of stuff. I know I did a ton more but I'm so tired right now and I wanna finish this entry. That evening I played more piano and Brad talked about Deep Change in the Mind. It was a great lecture and I learned so much! Ask me for my notes sometime!!

After Brad's talk we did a variety show. It was hilarious! Brad did a 'dear montie' thing - with me being one of the people who "wrote in" - he wrote up a few letters himself and answered them to pick on us :)

I also played the piano while Greta sang. It was really neat!!

After all that was over I went for a walk with some friends to see the stars out on the lake. That was quite a highlight. The sky was beautiful!! Stina and I were in awe (as were the other people there). Then it hazed up and we slowly walked back - while talking about some deep issues (homosexuals and the civil liberty unions). Then I was up 'till like 4am w/ Ali and Amber. We talked about a lot of little things - but nothing super deep. Oh well....

Sunday was our last day but it was another amazing day. Dave talked about having a deep change in our habits. I have the most notes on his talk. It was filled with new ideas and tips on keeping our daily lives in check. It was great. Oh we also sang a lot of good songs. We had communion too. That was sweet.

After lunch we packed up and headed back. I made good time. Stina and I talked for most of the way back.

Today at school was fine. I aced my Hebrew quiz!!! The work - then my frat meeting which was awesome! I got my official pin tonight and some other stuff!!!

Later I went to Jenni and Andrea's appt. to say hi and see how Jenni's trip to Mexico went. It was fun!!

Alright well i'm off to sleep now.  Take care and keep Sammies in your prayers (my frat).

In Him,

Micah (6:8)


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