
Goodbye Xanga!

I haven't been on Xanga in YEARS! Woah! I don't even know what led me to check this site after so long! But I think I will be shutting down this blog within the next few weeks....since it seems to have finished (or fulfilled--I can't decide what word would be more fitting) its purpose. My new blog (which has been active for some time) is "" (easy to remember)! Blessings, Micah (6:8)

New Blog Site!!!

Well - I haven't been very good w/ journaling on Xanga, or anywhere else - that is, until last week. My new blog site is There you will find what I've been reading in Scripture lately, maybe a couple things about my day (or maybe I'll make two separate blogs) and yeah! That's all for now! I'm almost done with school - this is by far the most stressful week of my life. Not only with school, but also relationship-wise. So many new experiences at once! Graduation, trying to fix some screw ups, Good thing I have a crutch to lean on - which is Christ!

another down...

well - I think the hardest one is over with...i'm just waiting to take my last 7 minutes....Jour5501: Public Opinion (oh joy)! After that - I have some (late) papers and stuff due tomorrow (I hope I can still turn them in) and then i'm DONE for the semester! Then it'll be time to break out the Wii and bust a few moves :) <>< 6:8

FINALS - but...

Finals are soon! As! 8am! 6 hours from the start of this post (it's 2am right now)! I just thought I would encourage myself by stating the fact that I'll be done on TUESDAY! and that I'll GRADUATE in MAY! :D YEAH! then...WHO KNOWS?! (God does!!!)! :D Life - though it may have it's tough overall amazing! God - you totally rule! <>< 6:8

beautiful day!

Oh "yesterday" (it's just past midnight) was b-e-a utiful! Another day w/out a jacket! Classes went well, work was good (though very busy) and it was pretty productive overall! That's about it! Time to do a little homework now and get my schedule planned out for this weekend and next week! My house is looking awesome! The new windows are in and the trim is finished! I love it! How a little more painting, and then carpeting time! I'm excited for the finished result! This weekend should be fun - lots of options: Grandma Camplin's Bday party at Famous Dave's, chillin w/ my friends (Cable, JB, etc.), putting Vikings play-books on the Metrodome chairs Sat. night to raise money for Urbana, I'm supposed to take out Danielle sometime either this weekend or sometime soon...oh...and I have homework to do....then there's Sunday! I have a group meeting, more homework, need to study for my marketing text that's on Monday.... yeah now I'm babbling! Time ...


So I'm sitting here in one of my PR classes (J3279) in Murphy Hall, listening to a guest speaker, Carolyn Marinan - I guess she was a producer for KARE 11 before, but now she's some public affairs director for H. county... Yeah - talk about boring, vulgarity (aka potty mouth), and arrogance! Those are my immediate observations at least. And writing this journal entry is pretty much the only thing keeping me awake! lol! Goodness. I hope I don't turn in to someone like this! Maybe I'm just tired....I - it's not the tiredness affecting my judgment! She's still swearin', talkin' about herself, and...enough said! Now she's asking us our opinion on what we think of homelessness...yeah I just love the fact that tons of people are homeless and on the streets...those bums! lol anyway - 5 min. left! I can take it!

tired today :)

I was up last night until 4am doing homework. Of course I didn't start my homework until 12:30ish (because I had to work until 12am and didn't get home until after that)! Speaking of work, we've actually been busy lately! No more time to take naps or do homework! On a high note, 3 of my co-workers and I are going through a curriculum Bible study called the Torah Club (vol. 2)! That's been pretty exciting!! I voted yesterday (for Jesus of course) at 7am! I went home after work Monday night so I could wake up early and drive a mile to the polls to vote (then go back to school after that). I was under the impression that Chipotle was giving out free burritos again like they did at the last election, but apparently they weren't doing that. However they still gave it to me for free (and to Cassie who went with) because a LOT of people thought Chipotle was doing it again this year and they didn't want to anger a mob :) I think those are the latest highlights! School s...
yeah it's like 1:20am right now!  I walked in the door (home from work) to find 6 people playin' poker (minus Caleb of course) and watchin' movies! awesome! :)


So I just switched to "Xanga Dash"...lookin' better already!


Yeah it's been a little while hasn't it (I'll say)! Xanga actually seems quite primative for blogging...which is kinda sad since this is the only place I've blogged before. But I'll probably keep doing it once in a while...just because I can (actually so I can feel like I'm part of the giant collective of other bloggers who are doing the same thing....jk). Anyway, I'm just wasting away my last hour here at work...Gopher football game tomorrow - it's gonna be awesome! I'm not talking about the Gophers being awesome...rather...the friends I'm going with (it's nice to have 5 season tickets)! Um...yeah!   Shalom, Micah