I know I need to do some updating - but here's the most important thing going on in my life right now (besides Jesus lol):
So my brother Jake has open heart surgery this morning at 7:30am, July
7th at Mercy Hospital. I'm just asking that whoever reads this to pass
it on and keep him in your prayers. For those of you who know, Jake is
my bro (obviously), he's 16, and suffered a stroke a while back at the
Excel Center downtown St. Paul, where my dad was called (he ran from
his work in St. Paul to the Center and met the ambulance...woah) and my
bro was rushed to the Children's Hospital. Because he was in St. Paul
at the time, and because he went to this particular hospital, they were
able to determine right away that he had a blood clot in his brain, and
they were able to have the right equipment to fix this as soon as
possible. Because of this, Jacob suffered no brain damage (which was
all God). So the Lord really had a hand of protection on my little bro.
Later on the doctors found that Jake had a small hole in his heart,
which is normal for some people, but they believe that this may have
caused this clot to form and they decided to operate. They also found
out that his aorta may be enlarged, and Jake is also missing a valve.
So they may fix all 3 parts of his heart during this operation.
Please pray that God's will be done in everything that happens this
morning. Even if you read this entry after 7:30am, God knows the
future, present and past, and your prayers are just as important now as
before. Also pray for a speedy recovery and also for the doctor's to be
attentive and to perform the best way they can on my brother!
Thanks so much! Call me if you want futher details!!

God bless,
- Micha 6:8


  1. Sweetie, jeepers.  I am so sorry.  Your bro is my age and I can't imagine something like that happening to me.  I couldn't even handle the most recient car accident I cannot image surgery.  Tell your brother that a very cute teenage girl(lol) is praying for it. 

    You obviously have a lot of family stuff right now, but we should get together soon..

    P.S. E-mail me  

  2. Pillar rocks forever. Mad props. Jesus is cooler that ice cream!

  3. Micah!!! I hope your brother is doing well.. I hope your doing well also!!!

  4. Sunshine is over and it is time to update

  5. Thank you.  I did get to sleep.  How was Sunshine?

  6. Hey Micah... I sent you pictures today! :)

  7. We need to talk I miss you

    Claire Bear

  8. Good, I am glad you luv it!  I live for martial arts!  It is my life!  I would luv to move to Japan someday and study there. 

  9. wow; i had no idea about your brother.  hope things went smoothly.  i read your other most recent post and saw your sister graduated and that makes me feel old.  are you living at home/around this summer?  i will be home end of may taking french at st. thomas and hopefully finding a decent job.  most likely be at home til end of july.

  10. oh yeah i forgot.  sorry moms was so confused, but way to ask qustions regardless; its better that way

  11. Who did you go to Nikdag with?  Yeah, I guess I'm not much into school events and such... I guess you could say I'm a lot different than that high schooler you once knew.  My friend and I did go to see Maylene and Sons of Disaster and The Chariot tonight.  Didn't see you there though...

  12. Yeah, I got your message right before we were about to leave for the show.  We couldn't stand Pillar though, seem a little too full of themselves.  But The Chariot was nothing short of amazing and Maylene just took my breath away, I've never heard hardrock with that much of a beat and rhythm before.  Plus their merch boy was a ton of fun.  Yeah, we didn't really hang around that long...not much of a fan of the last 2 bands...

  13. haha, Calvinism is so easy to tear apart.  When you take their view of God's relation to moral law and his ordaining of all acts and compare that to humanity being forced to create their own moral law which is at quite a dissonance with the universal moral law (with horrible implications).  Then go through the logical analysis using predicate logic.  It's really hard to explain without a picture, but so interesting.
    As far as Pillar goes, I met them before they were famous and they're not the same people now.  Lyrically they're getting pretty shallow, which is great...if you want to be on KDWB.  It's just not for me...too much pop... my style is a lot harder.


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