- One of the rarest things that a man ever does, is to do the best he can. (Josh Billings)

(one of my favorite quotes…and it’s true too)


yesterday (the 1st) was pretty exciting I guess! I got to work and my
boss Evelyn gave me an envelope...with a $50 check in it from DRC.
I figured it must be a reimbursement check for gas mileage way back in
January when I had to drive to another building for a while. So that
was nice!

Work went well last night (as well as tonight). Clarence (one of my temps) got back from vacation in Florida…and brought me back a T-shirt! So a check and a t-shirt…but wait, there’s more!


After work I headed to the bank to deposit my check, when I realized that I still had some gift cards that Al gave me for Kohls
(he took back a few shirts a few days ago, bought sandals with the
exchange credit, bought me a couple pairs of shorts, then gave me the
rest of the gift cards which was about 25 bucks)! So I stopped by Kohls and bought a pair of athletic shorts and a shirt for running. I ended up paying $1.01…not too bad!

Then I
went home, talked to Lydia for a few minutes, talked to Dad on the
phone for a few minutes, then took a nap…until about 9pm. There went my
entire day!! Oh well. I realized that Al still had my phone from the previous night so I couldn’t call Cassie.
I called her from my house but Dad had to make a phone call…and I had
to leave for work soon so I couldn’t talk to her much that night.
Thanks Al!


Hmmm…what else is new? I leave for NY in 7 days! That’ll be fun! I’m ready for a break from work! It’ll be hard to come back Then I’ll come back to MN and it sounds like I get free housing now until I graduate at the Christian Student Fellowship
center!! God is really amazing that way! I’ll move in probably the day
after I get back from NY. I’ll probably have the house to myself,
unless Eric stays there too (in a different room). How many people get
to live in a house for free?! That beats paying an arm and leg to move
into my frat at Sammies…though
I’m gonna miss those live-in days (for a semester last fall). I’ll be
around though guys so don’t worry about it! Good memories like…squirrels running around the house, (if you download it...just know there's swearing!) um…memories like that…


well this blog has really gotten long, so I’ll leave it at that! My
break is almost up anyway and it’ll be time to get back to work. Hey my
sister’s (
Lydia’s) open house is this Saturday morning from 9am-12pm. We’ll have Panera bagels, fruit cups, krispy kremes, and other good stuff! So stop by the house, bring me a card (or…one for my sister since it’s her open house) and say hi!


God bless,


- Micah 6:8


  1. yeah, I like pillar a lot! and no, im not part of the underground. I would like to tho. and hey, its nice to know another brother in christ! peace out

    P.S. go to my xanga and on the right is a chatterbox thing were you can just post in there. you should get one, just follow the link at the bottom of the chatterbox, it should say something like "want one of these" or something, you'll know

  2. WEIRD... i'm gonna be in NEW YORK CITY IN 6 DAYS... with my choir.... we're touring there... what if I SAW YOU THERE?!?!?!? AHHH!!!!! CALL ME please!
    ~Rachel in IL

  3. What the flip does "ani ohevet...aht"  mean?!?!?!? 


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