- What ever disunites
man from God, also disunites man from man. (Edmund Burke)
Nothing too exciting the past couple days. I get Memorial Day off work
which is nice. I've been trying to stay up all night in order to keep
with my weird work schedule...but I've been sleeping at odd times of
the day...oh well!
Church was really good on Sunday. Fritz finished up the study on Jonah.
the college group (consisting of Caleb, Jon, Jake, Heather, myself and
my mom this week) went to Dunn Brothers at Festival Foods. Vetter got
a...chicken which he devoured in about 15 minutes! lol!! It was fun
catchin up with my friends and just "bonding" I guess for a while. I
find it spiritually uplifting when I'm able to hang out with a bunch of
friends all united under one purpose: to glorify Christ!
ps. I love Jesus...and...
**don't forget to use your blinkers when on the road! I dislike it when
someone turns, switches lanes, or exits without signal lights! haha!
Seriously though it's just annoying!**
- Micah 6:8
whoa.. micah.. good to see you posting again!