So I better catch up on the past few days here...

Sunday was a great day. Church was good. Mr. Berg (aka Fred...not Karl...sadly....) thinks he's a college student and joins our class every Sunday now it seems. That's been pretty fun. After church I went over to the Nystroms to celebrate a post birthday party with my grandma again! My family came after I did. We said goodbye to Ron and Di before they left back for CA. I ended up stickin around after my family and extended family went back home. I hung out with Mary, helped try to get her computer fixed, etc. It was fun. Grandma made me a couple lunches for the next couple days as well! How wonderful is she!!!

Monday was school again...I was pretty tired. I went to keyboarding anyway and learned..a couple little things actually. That was about it though! Then I went to Hebrew later on. We always learn so MUCH! Goodness!!! It makes my head hurt everytime! But it was interesting at least!

Dinner and frat meeting in the evening. Meeting was pretty long for some lengthy discussion regarding this week's events. We skipped good and welfare because of it.

Tuesday (today...though i'm writing this after midnight) was pretty good. Journalism quiz was pretty easy. We have a presentation coming up soon that my team has to get ready for....

Bible class was just alright. It was paper evaluation day and I didn't finish mine (from being sick), Levi didn't finish his (because of 1/2 ton rug rack hurting him the previous week and him recovering), and Sarah did like 2 and 1/2 pages. I talked to my prof for a few min, then Levi, Sarah and I went to lunch at Varsity in Dinkydome. That was a fun event of talking, making kosher (and not to kosher) jokes. Sarah's Jewish by the way - and Levi's like me...not Jewish! But also Christian. So the funny part was - there was a Jewish star drawn around the $5 for the HAM lunch special of the day! How hilarious is that?! Sarah inquired on the matter to which the owner was most unaware of the ironicies....and was very apologetic...though we thought it more funny than offensive!

I worked for 11 hours after that...the rest of the night....then came back here...but I talked to my good ole' 2nd cousin' cuzin Cassie!!!!! She got accepted to Northwestern College! I guess we'll see where it goes from there! It's a great college!

Finally - I was looking at tickets and stuff for a sweet concert coming soon! I have to I just need to find a friend or two to go with! Expensive tickets...but worth every penny. The best concert money could buy! :)

Ok - off to do more homework! Night!


- Micah 6:8


  1. hey hey!  What concert are you goin to?  I'll go with you   hehe.  Alright, well it was good talking to you yesterday!  I'm so siked about NWC.  Have a good day and God bless!

  2. My dad is great. :D hope all is going well my friend. Later sir.

  3. What concert.
    talk later,
    luv ya,
    Claire Bear


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