It seems like I'm always a day behind in my entries. But maybe that's a good thing. I went to the doctor yesterday (thanks to the advice of many wonderful friends)! I'll back up just a tad though. I woke up to the sound of some drunk (or very awake for Sat. morning) frat bros. I packed quick to go home for the weekend and to celebrate my grandma's 80th bday with the rest of my extended family. I left the room, locked it behind me, and just as I was leaving, those wonderful bros of mine got the idea to sneak into my room to put shaving cream all over my roommate. Thank God I locked the door behind me. After they discovered this they yelled down the hall for me to come back and unlock it. Jollie...I hope they didn't think about the windows!
I came home, took a shower, said "hello" to my family, then went 2 blocks to the clinic to get looked at. I walked into urgent care, waited for about 30 min, then had my BLOOOOOOD dRRRRRRRRRRRAWWWWWWNN for the 1st time (yep, first time), and checked for strep just in case. Both came back NEGATIVE...BUT...yes there's a white blood cell count was way down and the doc said that if I wouldn't have slept the amount I have been I woulda prolly had mono by now...and I can't push myself any harder. well ok - I won't push myself any I'll just keep doing the things i've been doing before ;) lol!
Praise God i'm ok! Who cares about white blood cells! I don't have mono! ok ok i'm just playin...i'll be careful! lol
Grandma's party was sweet! My extended family is the best! Everyone loves God so much....I can't even describe the love and awesomeness there is! We watched a 45 min. DVD of each of us sharing memories of my grandma...with old pictures of us, videos, was really sweet. I think most of us got teary eyed. I was really touched when almost everyone told Grandma that the biggest impact and greatest memory was the love of Jesus on her kids and grandkids. Her encouragement, love, compassion, Bible memory, everything together made this wonderful Grandma of mine so amazing! The party was a lot of fun. We had a family friend professional photographer over, took pictures, etc, we partied, sang songs, ate food, laughed, cried, ate more...what better party could there be (except the one to come in Heaven)?!
So that was my Saturday! Praise God for my being not as sick as I expected! :) Oh and Rebecca, by me saying I 'slept', I still heard the music..and falling up was pretty good. though...I don't think it was as good as I've heard before. I think it was the stage though and the mix balance. Oh well! I watched that DVD all the way through when I got home :D
hey hey! Yea, when i had mono it was the first time i had blood drawn too, but i was so tired it didn't even phase me. lol So that's awesome you don't even have it!!! The party sounds like it was really good stuff too. yay! Have a good day!
I'am glad you are ok! I have been worried about you....Yeah I have had my blood drawn a couple times. The one time they took so much out of me I almost passed out, and then i got a charlie horse and could not stop laughing.