Yesterday was another busy day. I woke up and took my bro over the Teague's (spelling?) house to tear up their carpet and to fix Chelsea Tulipan's computer. The carpet tearing went well and only lasted for an hour. Little Mulvihill and little Fritz came as well. We got pizza after that too - so not a bad morning!
I dropped off Jared, went home, grabbed some more clothes, my mail, and then came back here to Sammies. I cleaned up the mail room and discovered something pretty cool. Later that night there was a small party and I went over to Jefferson Commons for a while and hung out w/ Jenni and Andrea from CSF. We looked at pictures, watched the last half of the Gopher game (we WON...and we're going to just watch) and just chilled for a while.
Now it's Sunday and I have a long day ahead of me. Much prayers is appreciated. Today I have to get a bunch of homework done before 5 which is the CSF student leaders meeting at the center. Then at 7, instead of going to Candlelight worship I have to meet my group of 10 people (including me) at Coffman to prepare a presentaion for Thursday 'cause we're the first group - so we only had this week to prepare. So I hope that goes well. After that at 10:30pm we have a special meeting at my frat. So it's gonna be a long day!
Well if you wanna help me with this presentation - here's what we gotta do...
There are 10 of us in the group. All of us need to participate somehow. We have to incorporate the audience and the main contoversial statement our team need to talk about is "It's great that international superstores liek Barnes adn Noble are eating up the little local bookstores, because this will surley bring book prices down". So I think we're gonna show a small clip from You Got Mail...anyway if any of you wanna give me your opinion on the quote I prolly have your picture and we'll put it on powerpoint with your opinionated quote next to it ;) That is - if we like it :D!
Also - Each of us has to turn in a 3 page, single spaced (so 6 pages double spaced) paper of our work and research. Also on that day I have a 6 page paper due for Bible...and then I have a ton of Hebrew due tomorrow...and a mastery test on Tuesday...ok now I'm just rambling ;P I should prolly go get back to work on that eh?!
Love ya'll and thanks for the prayers,
I definitely hear you on the busy issue. I have three tests within a 24 hour period this week and am busy getting things ready for homecoming with the Alpha Chis! Talk to me on Wednesday night when my tests are done and I will be veggin'!