Yeah today was a busy day. But it's not as bad as it will be next week....

So I went to keyboarding class today at 9am. These first couple weeks are really easy but I think it's gonna pick up soon...either way it takes care of a core class I need. One of the guys struggled a bit today - and this is still like really basic stuff - so I offered to give him a hand tomorrow afternoon for a few min. to get him on track. I hope he gets it! It's fun once you get the basics down!!

Astronomy was good. Nothing big. We learned about Newton and Einstein, etc...we have a cool prof. though. He had people come down and measured with a radar gun how fast they could throw a ball. It was pretty cool.

No Hebrew today because of Rashashana (Jewish New Years...unbiblical though). I saw little Huston today while I was biking back to Sammies. That was cool. He's a neat guy.

I hung out at Sammies for a bit before heading off to work - where I am now. I started work at 11:45am and will leave in about 15 min. at 11:45PM! so yeah - 12 hours...what a day. Tomorrow I gotta help tear some old carpet up at some house for a while. Then I'm gonna head back to campus, give some keyboarding lessons, clean up at Sammies, and study for next week.

Right now I'm still looking for a good deal on a laptop. Prayer is obviously welcome :) So is money :D

God bless y'all and thanks so much for being such awesome friends...(and the occasional random stranger that reads these entries)!!


OH!!! I got a Swiss Army (Victorinox) umbrella in the mail the other day! Along with a package of Pillar handout cards from Flicker Records...really not that exciting for Pillar stuff...but it's all good! Also I won a sample of Hummer cologne on ebay....wonder if it's any good.


  1. I'm glad to see you're posting again, Micah. 

  2. It may not be much, But i have a lap top.  It can have internet connection but at the moment it isn't set up for it.  It's great for taking notes. I'd sell it for about $300.
    I'd have to double check with my parents though.
    Glad you're posting again.


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