Yeah so I can see that I'm really not in the groove of updating everyday...but I think that will change now - now that my mass comm. proff encourages it - and my life is getting more interesting ;)

So - life has been amazing. Yes there are always ups and downs, but it's so cool to see how God has been taking every situation and turning into something that glorifies Him! How cool is that?!!!!

For those who don't know - I have 17 credits this semester in:

Intermediate Hebrew, Intro to Mass Communication, Keyboarding (piano stuff), Astronomy, and Bible in Context. Hebrew has been the hardest class by far. All I can ask is continual prayer for me in that class. I need to do well and I want to do well - it's just hard.

Today has been one of the most exciting days by far. I had Intro to Mass and Bible today. In my Journalism class we learned how much the newspapers are struggling because people get their news for free online. So as I was biking past a Star Tribune stand offering me a free newspaper - I simply said "no thanks, I get my news online for free"! They didn't like that.

Now here's where my day becomes interesting. In Bible class - which is a VERY liberal class obviously - our paper due next Thursday has to be on the supposed "inconsistancies" between Gen 1 and Gen 2. There is a difference in order of creation, man before animals and animals before man, etc. etc...she (my prof) ultimately wants us to realize that this Bible is simply history written and tweaked by several men for their own purpose - hence the inconsistancies...if I choose to prove otherwise I need to prove it using only the literal Bible itself!! So I gotta find out how to do this. My first instinct was to bike two blocks over to Hillel - the Jewish center where I take Hebrew, and talk to a Rabbi. And that's EXACTLY what I did!!

And this is where the excitment builds even more. I walked in and the girl at the front desk knew me since I come in all the time. I think she knows I'm not Jewish - so when I asked her if I could speak to a rabbi - she had quite the expression! She called up to Rabbi Sharron (spelling?) and I went up to see her. I explained my dilema and how I wanted to prove the literacy of the Bible to be free from error. She told me she wasn't sure if she could help me and then asked me what my denomination was!!! So do Jews just NOT care about the Tanakh (O.T.) or what?! What made her think I wasn't a Jew? She noticed the Hebrew ring I had on and asked about that I don't get it! Anyway I told her I was a Christian and she told me that she wasn't sure if "fighting the issue" in an "academic college" was the best way to go at it. I told her simply that I didn't want to fight anything, but rather wanted the Tanakh to prove itself! We went into the library to look at some commentaries. A couple Jewish students were in there studying. We didn't find anything that helped and I asked if the Biblical professor would be more knowledgable in this area. She again told me she didn't like this idea of fighting...wherever that came from. I told her again that I didn't want to fight and that all I want is some tools to explain why these 2 chapters look like they contradict but rather compliment themselves - I just needed some Hebrew tips and some literary terms...she suggested a Christian College....HAHAHA! I told her that I was already planning on checking info out with them and other sources - but since Hillel was only 2 blocks away and since I've grown up learning that Rabbis are wise (didn't mention that) and know the Tanakh well - I thought it best to check with a Rabbi first. She didn't know what to say and stood there stunned while I shook her hand politely, thanked her, and told her I would see her again soon. Before leaving the girl at the front desk asked me if I saw her and said I did - but needed more info or something. The girl rang for the Rabbi but wasn't able to get a hold of her as I was leaving. I think Rabbi Sharron was still standing in the library unsure of what to think.

I pray I wasn't rude in any means but that God planted some sort of seed. It took me completely by surprise when she told me right away that she didn't think she could help me in this area - as if Rabbis don't know stuff like this.

Anyway - I'm at work now and about ready to leave for a Sammies party on campus. I live there now for the most part. I room with David Jollie - awesome guy! We're becoming better friends as the days go on. I never thought a roomate could be that cool! I also just found out that my friend Caitlin joined Gamma Phi Beta. Interesting stuff.

Well I better get going and finish my Hebrew homework and get ready for CSF tomorrow night. I'm a leader for the Red Comm. Group this year :) Prayers are much appreciated for that too!

Shout outs to all my friends at UMD (Karl, Jake, Ben, Eric, Brian, Chris, etc. etc.) my 2nd cuz Cassie, my frat brothers Jollie, Joe, and my big bro Andy (he's awesome), my friends in WI (Beka), my buds in NY, Kaila ;), Lisa, Francheska etc. and everyone else like Angie, Claire, oh man now I feel bad 'cause I'm gonna leave everyone out like Josh (haven't talked to ya in a while), FERRET, Jess, Ashley from IA (gotta chill sometime)!, Manda, Rachel, Katie, Mare, and the list goes on! (You all know I just did that to test this cool link feature which I've never done before 'cause I'm stupid sometimes...snaps to Karl for explaining it!! you're the man!)! Finally a big shoutout to my awesome NM friend (soon to be in MN for Christmas) Becca!!

Ok see ya'll! Call my cell if you wanna chat - u know the number!

God bless,

Micah (6:8)

- Deut 10:12-18


  1. lol, I don't think I'd ever bother taking a Bible class in college.  haha, my friend Randy is taking that class here and his teacher approaches every book of the Bible as an epic story that has to have a hero.  So for Genesis who does she choose?  According to her, the hero of Genesis is Eve.  I just about died laughing.  oh well, nursing students just don't have time to take those kind of classes anyways.

  2. Of course you're going to the Pillar Concert like Katie and I would let you do anything else that night.
    If you're free we should get together before then.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Love ya Always,
    Claire Bear

  3. Thanks for the "shout out" lil bro!!  It's great to see that you updated your site.  I check for the updates regularly.  Hope all is well at the U.  Tell my bro I say HI. 
    God bless. - your bigs.

  4. Yeah, that's too bad the Rabbi didn't help you out.  It's unfortunate.  Good job on that link section.  :)  You did very well.  Talk to ya later.


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