Hey everyone (or just me lol)!!

What is up?! haha ok ok. Today was awesome. Oh before I get into that - my last entry was really intended for Sat....even though it says Sunday - 'cause I wrote it after midnight I'm guessing...but yeah...anyway...

I slept in today! Don't worry - I still went to church (at least my college group). That was awesome. I learned a bunch of new stuff in Genesis. It's amazing how you can read something a zillion times and still learn a LOT more that's new. Wow - God is just cool like that!

After church I went to a Romania meeting at CSF (Christian Student Fellowship- www.csf.net). There's about 8 of us going I think this summer for a few weeks. My family still isn't supportive of me going (saying that I need to work instead of spending time out in the mission field) but I really think that God wants me to go on this trip. And not just to add to my passport (haha) but to see another aspect of life and culture and to minister to people who have almost nothing. nothing...I almost cried watching a 20 min. video on Romanian children that wander the streets with no purpose in life but to survive. They need Jesus. They need us to tell them about Him. My heart goes out....  After the meeting I hung out w/ the other team members (3 of them are the 3 other Student Leaders for my "community group" the Grey Group)! So that was awesome. We played foos ball for almost an hour! Jenni, Stina, Jonathan, Chris, Andrea, Michael, I think that's it! That was a blast! I had to leave though before Candlelight Worship that evening so I could get to another meeting.

I went to Robbinsdale then to a meeting for summit (http://www.summit.org/seminars.htm). That's a place in CO where I will be going in Aug w/ a few friends to learn about different worldviews, how to defend your faith, learning more tools to witnessing, and how to become a better leader. It's a 2 week program! I'm excited!! The meeting went well. My buds Marni and Emily were there (not to mention Peter, Laura?, and Angela). Karin, Adam, and Josh were stuck up north in the snow from some skiing thingy. But we had fun w/out them. It was actually not as upbeat as I would have liked - but we went skating at an ice rink, played some cards, talked a little, ate pizza, and hey - it was a good night!

Now I'm home w/ a little homework to do - some more devotions maybe, and getting back to some emails for the Pillar Underground in MN (www.pillarmusic.com). Don't u love how I keep promoting things like this! YEAH!


Well that's all folks! God bless,


- Micah 6:8


  1. hi Micah!  the other leaders I know of who are on xanga are ugkarri, ugjrod, princess_lowey, wease700, shypoet, hypemtdew, quietentertainer, and tmcdphotography.  I think all but Sarah from FL, shypoet, are already in the Pillar blogring, so we're pretty easy to find.   talk to you later!  rock on!


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