Hey everyone! Yeah I know it's been a while!! I still gotta update - but it's ok. I have most of what i've done on my calander, so it shouldn't be too hard to update. I just missed my 1st class today (well I woulda been 10 min. late so I figured...screw it) so I just thought I would write a little about what's going on right now in my life. So grades are well....so far. As in all my classes and B in Hebrew right now. Not to shabby. This weekend is the retreat for CSF (Christian Student Fellowship) up at Camp Salie. I can't go Fri. night because of a frat thing, but I'm taking a few people up Sat. It should be fun. Um - Bush is still the best! If Kerry wins I'm moving to Canada :) Who's with me?! One of my hardcore Christian friends is very against Bush (because of the war) and doesn't really like Kerry either (because of most of his beliefs) but is either going to vote Nader (throw the vote away) or Kerry (not a good idea). So lets forget the war...
Showing posts from October, 2004